For a long time I was wondering what the best job to start would be?
What would make me happy?
When I was thinking about this choice I was being very careful with where I put my energy.
The thing I realised was that I didn’t know what I liked and wasn’t trying things out either.
So nothing was moving very much, the fear of ending up doing something unpleasant stopped me from experiencing new things and cause my present moment to be a bit unpleasant!
What I was trying to avoid was what I was creating for myself.
In one of my relationships, the fear of loosing the person caused me to try to distance myself from them. As you can imagine that made me feel disconnected and didn’t help the relationship!
It seems to me that we end up creating a lot of difficulty for ourselves when we try to avoid something.
At a lunch someone pulling faces at his food was asked why he was eating his meal, it was obvious he did not enjoy it.
“My mom always says that if you don’t like something that is precisely why you have to do it!”
We all know moms everywhere are enlightened beings that are underappreciated.
But what his mom told this person has stuck with me, without really understanding it it seemed right.
The way i understand this is that we make up a story in our mind. It’s going to be convincing as we are all great story tellers. There might be a lot of truth in it too but this story stops of from being able to experience things as they are. So we become disconnected from life.
By challenging our stories we can create richer dialogues and maybe next time we might just find out that it was only part of the truth.
From your massage therapist,