Hansa Flow Yoga: Online workshop . April 10th . 9-11 am .

Hansa Flow Yoga: Online workshop . April 10th . 9-11 am .
April 10th . 9-10am . Online .
A master class given by the founder of Hansa Flow, Vincent Bolleta. Learn his technique on how to move naturally and with fluidity.
EARLY BIRD Tickets 30 till Thurday 1st
REGULAR Tickets 40
Hansa Flow is designed to support optimal movement performance and postural function with greater ease. Through this style you will develop your understanding of human movement and its biomechanical rhythms.
The aim of this practice it to develop a personal learning space that assists the practitioner to enhance their ability to discern their movement choices and any biases that habituate movement or certain postural asymmetries.
Hansa Flow is a combination of Eastern and western philosophies that bring out the best of both into an integrated yoga practice. Created by Vincent Bolleta through is life journey, with over 30 years experience teaching and practicing yoga he shares with you what he has learned through this practice.
This has lead him to become New Zealand’s foremost yoga instructor and teacher trainer with a wealth of knowledge in biomechanics, yoga therapy, movement therapy and postural analysis.
The Workshop is there to impart the foundations from which to grow your practice and in studio class are made available on the every weekend to continue expanding on that knowledge.
See you on the mat!